Do you see the big arched palace? Ya, that is my home! This is the view from the hill right outside the Old City.
These desserts were so good!! The almond cookies were my fave.
The kids sitting across from me at the big table eating their unleavened bread. Yay unleavened bread. Unleavened bread is used for the passover because it is all the Jews had time to make before their exodus.
Seder meal setup! I put the olive leaves in the napkins, in case you were looking at them and thinking how great they looked. I would love to decorate my wedding with olive branches, seriously it looks way good I think.
Pointing at the green door. Behind this fence is an underground tomb complex that we got to explore!
Inside the tomb complex. There were so many tombs that were all chiseled out, it was incredible and so random. I loved it.
Dome of the Rock. This is where the muslims believe that Muhammad ascended into heaven and more importantly this was the site of the ancient temples of Jerusalem. So Solomon's temple and Harod's. Also, the top of Mt. Moriah, where it was believed that Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac is located under this dome, that is why it is called the Dome of the Rock. It is really neat!
It was a really great day today. I officially fell in love with Jerusalem, I love the people, the shops, the culture, everything. I will miss it when I leave but I am just going to soak it up for the time being. That means being out in the city as much as possible! I have already let 2 months pass me by, I have to live the next two to the fullest!!! I have to do homework now, I have been playing all day!! See you!!
Danie every single one of these pictures look amazing. You look so beautiful. And I love the sunglasses!New? Jerusalem looks beautiful and it makes me happy that you are so happy.